A simple Wisconsinite's thoughts.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

UW-Oshkosh College Republicans are Deluded and Love Propaganda.

On April 27, 2010 the UW-Oshkosh College Republicans are having Christopher Horner in to talk about global warming. This came to my attention when invited to a Facebook event. The description read “The College Republicans at UW-Oshkosh have confirmed that environment and global warming expert Christopher Horner will be speaking on campus on April 27th.” He wrote best-selling book called “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming.” Sounds pretty compelling, doesn’t it? Not when you actually do some fact checking, something both the College Republicans and Christopher Horner are inept at.

Horner’s book kicks it all off with, “The Left’s last best chance to gain a stranglehold on our political system and economy. For decades, environmentalism has been the Left’s best excuse for increasing government control over our actions in ways both large and small.” The book then parades in poor arguments, rhetoric, chock full of cherry picking, quote mining and boldfaced lies (or pure stupidity).

The event claims Horner is an expert on climate change. Wrong. Horner is an attorney and a fellow at CEI, a pseudo-science think tank known for quote mining real scientific publications. Yes, an attorney with zero scientific qualifications and zero hours of any sort of scientific research under his belt is being called an expert. The College Republicans would rather invite an attorney with no scientific credentials rather than a Ph.D. chemist, physicist or climate scientist doing real research. Pretty typical. 

I’ll just point out one of the more hilarious mistakes by Horner in the book. He makes the claim that 34 percent of CFCs found in nature are naturally occurring. Horner does not have the capacity to do a simple Google search on what CFCs are. CFCs are carbon-halogen compounds that were mass-produced artificially by humans starting back in the 1930s. These compounds were responsible for the huge ozone hole in the atmosphere above Antarctica. This unbelievable claim would earn anyone a retroactive F in any chemistry class. A real expert indeed.

This brings me to another great point. That ozone hole in Antarctica – found by chemists, climate scientists and physicists not attorneys, eventually led to the regulation and phase out of human synthesized CFCs because of the science done by real scientists. Dang those liberalist, Marxist, leftist agenda-pushers and their science! NASA also has found the evidence for climate change to be so compelling that they are actively developing satellites for the monitor and study of greenhouse gas emissions. Those uneducated scientists over at NASA should get their hands on Horner’s book. I mean, what would NASA scientists know about this stuff?

But really, people. When there needs to be cancer research, new technological advances, engineering solutions and climate input, regulations, and research, you do not reach out to the Republicans, Democrats or anybody political. You go to the scientists. The scientists that have come to a consensus that the evidence for climate change is overwhelming. If the evidence for climate change points in a different direction, the scientists will report it, much like how cold fusion, Nebraska man and other scientific inaccuracies that were wrong were filtered out.

The College Republicans are really doing their part to epitomize the stereotype of a typical right-wing group parading anti-scientific agendas and propaganda around. Here is the bottom line. Let the scientists do the science. Remember folks, even a simple Google search on carbon-halogen compounds can be the difference between having the correct facts and looking like a total jack-ass

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