My name is William Greenwood II.
Hobbies:I especially love sports, camping, relaxing, and traveling. I want to see the world and visit many state and national parks. I will be sharing my links and experiences on this site!
Interests:I am interested in expanding my knowledge as much as I possibly can. I am a biology and chemistry major, and I love biology, chemistry, geology, physics and whatever other inquisitive scientific research being done in the world. I'm also interested in beaches, mountains and forests. I also really love to socialize with a glass of beer on a pontoon boat.
I also really like my home of Wisconsin. Not only are the people generally much nicer and more educated, we also have great beer, 15,000 lakes (more than Minnesota), great cheese and the Green Bay Packers!
Beliefs:. There are many models of explanation to show how the universe operates and has developed. I tend to believe only ideas and explanations that have evidence to support it.
I reject all mythological explanations of the universe objectively. So yes, I am an atheist and for good reason. Atheism is not a religion, it is a rejection of the claims made by theists.
I am also a secular humanist, which means I think we should help others simply because it is the right thing to do. Not because you will be rewarded in the afterlife