A simple Wisconsinite's thoughts.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Republican Mantra: Drill Baby Drill!!!!

Remember Sarah Palin? Michael Steele? Drill baby drill, there is no danger in off-shore drilling!

Now thanks to BP and lackluster regulations on preventative measures on dysfunctional equipment, we have one of the biggest human environmental disasters in history on our hands. Where is Palin now on drill baby drill?

Oh and by the way. Do you think BP is calling on Christopher Horner for a solution to this problem? Nope. The nations top engineers and scientists are being called on to fix this problem. Please keep the republicans out.


  1. May i suggest replacement of Drill Baby Drill!!!! with Green Baby Green !!!! ???

  2. Hey, dude, it ain't pleasant to have ugly punkUation; I personally find it Xtremely distastefull. But, alas, most of U.S. don't give a #@!! HeeHee I'll just have to live with it till I'm resurrected. Nevertheless... you’re most certainly entitled to your whorizontal belief; however, if I alone cannot audit the Fed in this Great Depression, I certainly CAN reflect on where our angst leads U.S. Lets get past alla the hypocritical BS of religion we arrogant mortals think and focus on how infinitely teeny-tiny our existence is. 88ish meeesly years VS. the length and breadth of eternity?? C’mon, pal. Whether you wanna believe-me-or-not, is certainly up to one person, you; however, you alone outta the billions of human beings have a precious, indelible soul. I personally don’t wanna lose you. See ya soon. God bless.

  3. FACT: all of U.S. will croak someday sometime somewhere and FACT: our souls are also indelible, meaning they never die, they’re eternal. I believe Almighty God made U.S. that way precisely because God loves U.S. and God wants us to enjoy the splendors of Heaven to never croak; but, yet, there’s also two choices of whether we wanna follow the whorizontal deceit, the relativism of this zoological psychosis of the Devilish world which turns U.S. away or follow God. One other choice to think about: how lengthy is this finite existence VS. the utter vastness of the universe which we may take part in? That’s free will. Make your choice… Isn’t atheism super-cool now? To not believe in anything but your own pride and vanity? To not care about what comes AFTER death? God bless you.
